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How does liquid sorbitol prevent freezing denaturation of su

Release time:2021-11-16   Click:

With the rapid improvement of our living standard, people have higher and higher requirements on food, not only for good taste, but also for good flavor, and at the same time, it is not harmful to people's body. We all know that food has a shelf life, and we need to extend the shelf life on the premise of ensuring this. Especially in the freezing of surimi, liquid sorbitol is often used as a product, but what are the common ways to prevent degeneration in the freezing of surimi? In view of this problem, the following small make up for you to explain.

How does liquid sorbitol prevent freezing denaturation of surimi

Two effective methods commonly used are: thoroughly wash the surimi before freezing to remove the inorganic substances that produce salting out, or add polyphosphorous alcohols (0.2-0.3%) and sorbitol (about 4%) to the surimi and mix it thoroughly in a blender. After freezing and thawing, the meat quality, color and smell can be kept fresh, and the nutrients can be effectively preserved.

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